The generations on either side of me link me to my past and my future. My view of family history involves revealing the roots and the branches.

Throughout this blog you will find perspectives related to the doctrines of temple and family history work from revealed revelation given to living prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Not One Soul Was Missing

Logan Utah Temple - Photo From LDS Media Library
“Elder [Melvin J.] Ballard sat at our baptismal font one Saturday while nearly a thousand baptisms were being performed for the dead. As he sat there, he contemplated on how great the temple ceremonies were, and how we are bringing special blessings to the living and the dead. His thoughts turned to the spirit world, and he wondered if the people there would accept the work we were doing for them. Brother Ballard said:
“All at once a vision opened to me, and I beheld a great congregation of people gathered in the east end of the font room. One by one, as each name was baptized for, one of these people climbed a stairway over the font to the west end of the room. Not one soul was missing, but there was a person for every one of the thousand names done that day.”
“Brother Ballard said that he had never seen such happy people in all his life, and the whole congregation rejoiced at what was being done for them.”

- Nolan Porter Olsen, “A Baptism Manifestation”, Logan Temple: The First 100 Years, 1978, pp. 168-169.

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