The generations on either side of me link me to my past and my future. My view of family history involves revealing the roots and the branches.

Throughout this blog you will find perspectives related to the doctrines of temple and family history work from revealed revelation given to living prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Memory Jogger Monday - June 29

2006 Ohms Family Reunion

What are the names of your brothers and sisters? Describe traits and memories that stand out in your mind about each of your siblings.

Jenny (top row 2nd from the right)
The trait that stands out about Jenny is that she is very creative!
One of my favorite memories is watching Jenny, while we were younger, do cross-stitching. She could even use the smallest square fabric and make such detailed designs. And these creations decorate her home today.

Gabe (top row 1st on the right)
The trait that stands out about Gabe is that he is very generous!
One of my favorite memories was from two years ago when I was visiting Gabe's family. Gabe was in the process of testing flavors for his new ice cream store. It was fun to watch him test each flavor in each base and pour in the liquid nitrogen ... and then we got to eat the results. Yum!

Seth (top row 1st on the left)
The trait that stands out about Seth is that he is very resourceful!
One of my favorite memories was watching him design and build a feeding device for our family's chickens. He has since built many other things. He recently took scraps from a building project and built a chicken coop for his own birds.

Sarah (bottom row 1st on the left)
The trait that stands out about Sarah is that she is a wonderful peacekeeper!
One of my favorite memories was watching Sarah and her friends write and perform their own plays and stories. She is also a very creative person. She is kind and patient with her children and encourages me to be patient too.

See this post for more information about "Memory Jogger Monday": 


  1. Of course, I love this post!
    Amy (bottom row 1st on the right)- a great Family Historian. She brings out all our good traits. :)
