The generations on either side of me link me to my past and my future. My view of family history involves revealing the roots and the branches.

Throughout this blog you will find perspectives related to the doctrines of temple and family history work from revealed revelation given to living prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Memory Jogger Monday - January 25

What scares you?

Sure, I'm scared of spiders and other creepy crawling things.

Though, what I'm most scared about is running out of time to do the things I want to do and need to do.

That being said, I seem to overwhelm myself with too many things to do. I have in the past said "yes" to many things that interest me and then to have them all heighten at the same time leaving me feeling extremely overwhelmed and scared of time running out.

Also, in the most overwhelming times, I want to just roll into a little ball and have all the pressures go away. My list gets too long and I can't prioritize (because it has all become a priority). And because I can't prioritize, I fall into the trap of procrastinating. Putting off something that should be done for something else that should be done until I can't figure out where to start to get anything done.

It is a scary cycle to be trapped in. And when I realize I trapped myself the feeling gets worse.

I'm in the middle of one of those cycles right now. And as I'm coming out of some of the pressures, this time is different. On the horizon are things I'm interested in and I haven't been committing myself to them. Which is really much different.

It feels so different that I have to convince myself daily that I don't need it all right now. Even though I'm interested and I want to be involved, I need more balance. I need more of the best of myself; not myself spread so thin in everything that interests me.

Hopefully I'm learning and this time will be different.

See this post for more information about "Memory Jogger Monday": 

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